Lose Inches Off Your Waist With These 7 Best Ways to Burn Belly Fat
November 03, 2019Lose Inches Off Your Waist With These 7 Best Ways to Burn Belly Fat

As a personal trainer, I meet people of all shapes and sizes. Before beginning a training routine with any of my clients, I always sit down and speak with them first. One of the many questions that I ask is, “What would you most like to improve about yourself?” An overwhelming majority point to their abdominal region. Now, an extremely common misconception is that you must perform hours of abdominal exercises to earn a 6-pack. While core training is an integral part of shedding belly fat, it is certainly not the only method to be used. The best ways to burn belly fat, may actually surprise you.
A large portion of these tips have little to do with exercise, and everything to do with your diet! It’s worth noting that no two people are completely alike. We all hold our weight in different ways. Some people carry excess weight on their hips, while others carry it in their abdominal region. It would be wrong to say that there is one way for everyone to shed excess belly fat. In fact, the best ways to burn belly fat come from a combination of the following tips.
The 7 Best Ways to Burn Belly Fat
1. Eat More Soluble Fiber
Studies have shown that consuming more soluble fiber, not only slows digestion (keeping you fuller, longer), but also may have an effect on calorie absorption. The bottom line is, eating more fiber will keep you from gaining weight and very possibly help you to lose some weight, as well. A few examples of foods high in soluble fiber are peas, lentils, beans, berries, broccoli, and avocado.
2. Up Your Protein Intake
Eating a large amount of protein will leave you feeling full, thus decreasing your appetite. Protein also has the unique ability to boost metabolism by helping maintain and even build muscle mass. There has been some correlation between high protein diets and a reduction in belly fat. The best way to ensure you are getting enough protein is to eat a little at every meal. A general rule of thumb for high protein intake is to get around 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. For example, a 130 pound person would aim to get 130 grams of protein each day. Excellent sources of protein come from lean meats, eggs, nuts, etc.