A 30-Day Fat Blasting Challenge​ to Get Rid of Bra Bulge and Back Fat

September 22, 2020

 A 30-Day Fat Blasting Challenge​ to Get Rid of Bra Bulge and Back Fat

Genetics play a big role in determining where we store our excess fat. Some of us hold a little more weight in our lower bodies, while others carry it in the tummy area. If you’ve found that you have a little extra fluff in your upper back, performing the right exercises can make a world of difference! Are you tired of your bra squeezing you a little too tightly? You’ve come to the right place! This 30-day fat blasting challenge can help you burn fat and tone those upper back muscles! 

Follow a Healthy Eating Plan for Faster Results!

Follow a Healthy Eating Plan to help blast away back fat!

Exercising regularly will help melt excess fat and build & tone your muscles, but your diet is just as important. Following a healthy eating plan will ensure that you get rid of that bra bulge quickly! First, cutting out processed, high-calorie foods will have a major impact. Pair that with consuming more lean protein, fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats, and you’ll optimize the effort you’re putting in at the gym! 

We love finding new and exciting ways to make nutritious meals taste delicious! With that being said, we have thousands of clean-eating recipes on the site that we’ve arranged into well thought out meal plans. These meal plans were designed to simplify the weight loss process and help you reach your goals faster than ever. Feel free to jump into one of these popular programs:

Try this 30-Day Fat Blasting Challenge​

Each week contains 5 days worth of routines, and 2 rest days. There will be 3 days of fat-melting HIIT routines. Just follow the link provided for each of the HIIT workouts. The other 2 days will require you to perform the resistance routine found below. This workout will target the muscles of your upper back! 

2-Day a Week Upper Back Resistance Routine 

This 2-Day a Week Upper Back Resistance Routine will target your unwanted back fat

What you need: an interval timer / 1 light set of dumbbells / 1 heavy set of dumbbells

What to do: Perform each move for the designated number of repetitions. Complete the appropriate number of rounds for your fitness level. Rest up to 30 seconds in between each exercise. At the end of each round, you may rest for up to 60 seconds. 

  • Beginner: 2 rounds
  • Intermediate: 4 rounds
  • Advanced: 6 rounds
  1. Single-Arm Bent-Over Dumbbell Row: 15 reps per arm with heavy dumbbell
  2. Dumbbell Deadlifts: 15 reps with heavy dumbbells
  3. Underhand Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows: 15 reps with heavy dumbbells
  4. Single-Arm Rear Delt Raise: 10 reps per arm with light dumbbell
  5. Reverse Fly: 10 reps with light dumbbells

Make sure to watch the instructional videos for each exercise to make sure you maintain proper form and avoid injury! They can be found at the bottom of this post. 

Additional equipment needed for HIIT Routines: a jump rope / a bench, step, or chair / a yoga mat or towel

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