The Fastest Way to Lose Body Fat

September 22, 2020

 The Fastest Way to Lose Body Fat

When you’re trying to lose weight, what do you instinctively do first? Drastically cut calories? Start performing copious amounts of cardiovascular exercise? While these two methods will technically work for a little while, they are definitely not the safest or most effective ways to go about losing body fat. The fastest way to lose body fat is actually by fueling your body with essential nutrients while also slightly limiting daily caloric intake. When your body is nourished, you will not only burn more fat quicker, but your workouts will become more effective as well, enhancing your results even further!

Related: How Many Calories Should You be Eating Daily to Lose Weight?

The Fastest Way to Lose Body Fat

The problem with drastically decreasing calories and increasing physical demands is that it can force your metabolism to slow down tremendously. The rate of your metabolism (or how quickly your body converts food to energy) directly affects fat loss and energy levels. A slower metabolism burns calories more slowly. On the other hand, providing your body with essential nutrients will increase the rate of metabolism, as well as physical capabilities. 

In order to help you burn fat quickly, there are several main categories of food that your diet should be comprised of. Additionally, there are some ingredients that should be limited and even completely eliminated to optimize fat loss. Once your diet is on point, you can focus on the best forms of exercise to perform for weight loss, which we’ve also outlined below.

Increase Consumption of High-Quality Food

Increase Consumption of High-Quality Food like produce and lean protein

The most essential components of a fat-burning diet include lean protein, healthy fats, fresh fruits and veggieswhole grains, and plenty of water! These foods contain critical nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that allow your body to burn fat optimally. 

If you want to lose fat quickly, you must base your diet around high-quality whole foods. It’s also important to note that while it is more difficult to eat “too much” healthy food due to low caloric density and high-fiber content, it is still possible. With that being said, you should make sure you have decreased your caloric intake by 300-500 calories per day, at most. For instance, if you can eat 2000 calories a day and maintain your current weight, you’ll want to aim for 1500-1700 daily.

Check out: 7-Day Lean and Clean Meal Plan

Limit Certain Ingredients and Foods

Limit intake of highly processed food and fast food.When trying to lose body fat quickly, you should avoid certain foods whenever possible. These ingredients include added sugar and sodium, high-calorie sauces, dressings, and condiments, as well as any other processed ingredients. These foods are typically high in calories and void of nutritional benefits, which can quickly sabotage your weight loss efforts.

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