5 Indoor Workouts for When it’s Too Cold Outside

February 03, 2020

5 Indoor Workouts for When it’s Too Cold Outside

I love outdoor workouts; the sun shines and gives me extra energy and motivation. But once the temperature drops below 60 degrees, I’m just not interested. The weather is getting colder, and the sun is rising later. It’s natural to want to stay in bed longer in the morning and head straight home after work to enjoy warmth and comfort of your home. Cold weather leads to less motivation to go to the gym. That’s fine, because we’re bringing the gym to you! Home workouts are just as effective as gym workouts if you plan ahead. These five indoor workouts for when it’s too cold outside can keep you motivated and in shape while also helping you fight the winter blues.

5 Indoor Workouts for When it’s Too Cold Outside

Without the proper equipment, home workouts can lose their luster and limit your growth. There’s nothing worse than working hard all spring and summer to build the body of your dreams only to lose it in the fall and winter because you’re not pushing yourself as much. Add some dumbbells and a yoga mat to your home workouts to give you the tools you need to maintain what you’ve worked hard for.

1. Commercial Break Workout

at-home workoutThis home workout style is what started my fitness journey. Whether you do two hour-long shows or two half-hour shows, use the commercial breaks as a way to get your heart and body moving. A half-hour slot, on average, has eight minutes of commercials while there are about 14 minutes of commercial breaks for an hour-long slot. That isn’t much time to invest in, so be sure to push yourself as fast and hard as you can with this home workout.

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