On-the-Mat Six Pack Workout
May 09, 2020On-the-Mat Six Pack Workout

Don’t get up! You can work towards your six pack abs right there from the floor. This mat ab workout is great for isolating your abdominals. It works the core using a series of moves to target the obliques, lower abs, and upper abs. Finish things off with a 45-seconds plank, which engages your entire body and helps raise your heart rate.
You can do this workout anywhere anytime. We recommend it for days when you don’t want to drive to the gym, or even as an evening workout about an hour before bed.
What You’ll Need: a gym timer (free apps are available for download), and a mat or towel to lay on the floor
What to Do: Perform each move for 45 seconds with 15-second breaks in between. Complete all exercises, rest for 30-90 seconds and repeat.
Beginners: 1 rounds
Intermediate: 2 rounds
Advanced: 3 rounds
Intermediate: 2 rounds
Advanced: 3 rounds
Below, we’ve included videos showing how to perform each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.
1. Toe Touches
2. Plank Hip Twist
3. Straight-Leg Sit Up
4. Russian Twist
5. Jackknife Crunch
6. Reverse Crunch
7. Plank
1. Toe Touches
2. Plank Hip Twist
3. Straight-Leg Sit Up
4. Russian Twist
5. Jackknife Crunch
6. Reverse Crunch
7. Plank
Toe Touches
Plank Hip Twist
Straight-Leg Sit Up
Russian Twist
Jackknife Crunch
Reverse Crunch